
Art in Interior Design

Paintings, glass works, sculpture, ceramics - art can take many forms as well as convey diverse mood. Artwork in interior design can establish a focal point and define a palette for an entire home.

Modern, sleek interiors leave room for a nice art collection benefiting from eye-catching contemporary art pieces from abstract compositions to pop art creations. Modern art can be also featured in transitional rooms as the streamlined design connects traditional and contemporary elements. Especially framed art prints are a very affordable way to bring contemporary art in interior design. There's another abundant source of contemporary art - local artists who create one-of-a-kind pieces.

Sometimes it can be quite a challenge to develop a portfolio of art prints for house-staging, an office or restautrant as it is very important to match the artwork to the architecture and age of the building and to ensure that art pieces provide some continuity for the space. The old architecture would require antique or classic art rather than contemporary or abstract work. An acceptable alternatives to original art can be high quality print reproductions as focal pieces on the main walls in a house as well as in the lobby of a hotel or behind the reception desk in an office.

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